Out and About

Alexandra Palace 2023

Alexandra Palace Entrace

On Saturday, the lad and I pilled into the minibus the club had rented to drive up to Ally Pally. It was a little unfortunate that the show clashed with Mothers Day on the Sunday – I’m not sure of the impact that has but certainly meant that Sunday wasn’t an option for us.

Next years exhibition is the 16th/17th of March and handily Mothers day falls the weekend before!

When we arrived we were dropped off at the top of the hill to the left of the doors and it was raining. Like good British people do, we joined the line that snaked around the building. Buses continued to drop people at the bottom of the lower steps and people from these walked straight into the building, bypassing the invisible line!!! What!!!! There certainly was no outdoor queue management going on – the only downside of the day if I’m honest. As we got to the doors the line from the side of the building, the new block of people that headed straight in were trying to enter through 2 doors, all a bit of a mess. Once inside, we made this known to some of the Model Railway Club team that were inside who headed off to sort it out.

One of the first layouts we looked at was Falcon Road TMD presented by the Carshalton & Sutton MRC, a layout that is right up our street.

Next up, and certainly not in any order here, Wolfstatt

Westwick next, another modern image, N gauge layout

and to wrap up, the incredible James Street

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